Carol Zhang


Python, Spark, SQL, AWS, and some of their friends



  1. 05 '18-present: Data Scientist
    • Contextualize and design machine learning projects
    • Develop and maintain cross-platform ETL processes
    • Analyze data at high scale with tools like Hadoop and Spark


  1. 08 '16-05 '18: Software Developer
    • Build data infrastructure generating custom retention insights. Details
    • Use data analysis and visualization to answer business questions
  2. 02 '17-05 '18: Open Source Transportation Data Analyst
    • Improve public transit data transparency
    • Process and analyze subway delay times using Python
  3. 02 '17: Applied Data Science with Python
  4. 03 '17: Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp


  1. '15-'16: Quantitative Neuroscience Researcher
  2. '12-'16: BSc. McGill University
    • Physics and Physiology Joint Major
    • Relevant coursework: Differential Equations, Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Integrative Neuroscience, Mathematical Modelling, Biomedical Signals and Systems


  1. '12: Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay Award
Not loitering

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